Thursday 31 May 2007

A Normal Dorm Night

Thought I would write down the happenings of a good night in a dorm.....
  • 11 pm Go to sleep
  • 12:00 am Room mate walks in drunk, switches on light, looks in his bag and passes out on his bed. I get up and switch off light
  • 2:30 am Next room mate comes in, drunk as well, opens blinds, closes window. Then opens blinds again, opens window. Unpacks backpack and then packs backpack. Finally goes to sleep, remembers to switch light off.
  • 3 am Two American girls come home, yes, drunk, decide to make massive cheese sandwiches, wake up a couple of people, and I hear them being asked to be quiet, which causes a fit of giggles!
  • 3:30 am Can't sleep now, am wide awake, take my duvet upstairs to big sofa with book and read
  • 4:30 am Starting to feel sleepy and as I begin to drift off on comfie sofa, guy comes home and gets very very ill in toilet. Sounds are unbelievable. Few people wake up to see what is going on.
  • 5 am Go back to my room to try and sleep
  • 6 am My alarm goes off, time to get ready for a day of diving and swimming!

This is a good night! I can feel a need for sleeping tablets arising! Hostel though is lovely, one of the best so far in the land of Oz!


Anonymous said...

OK...ignore the latest question on your mates like this are obviously to be avoided at all cost...urgh!

Anonymous said...

Hi Conny Con Con, Had a giggle reading this. Thanks for the postcard. Looking forward to seeing you when you get home. Envying all your amazing experiences.
Lots of love