Saturday 12 May 2007

Family Surprise.

Well I have family in New Zealand as well! All gets a bit mad trying to keep track of everyone, and I know I am more than guilty. Met a cousin with three kids yesterday, and it really was lovely. They were all lovely. It always is a bit daunting meeting family, but I am so glad I did! I even felt sad saying goodbye. What is more amazing is that I seem to be finding more and more people I know or should know all over the world, I love that, I love that there is someone somewhere, and sometimes it is just the best surprise ever! I will hopefully put a photo of them here, but my computer skills tend to disappear on me now and again, and right now am having one of those moments!
I leave in two days, and already I am getting nerves in my tummy, just thinking of saying goodbye to Wends and this Divine place that has me now speaking in "sweet as" phrases. Also knowing that London is round the corner and all that that holds. Like, what will I do, where will I live, will I live, will I work....oh my goodness, it really is not worth thinking about when there are so many sunsets, sunrises and beaches to discover! (And steak pies to eat...that are so so so bad .....hopefully I won't look too much like a pie by the time I return!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't amazing what you have been discovering along this mammoth journey of yours! Wow:-) Enjoy the moment (S) and dont let the worry and ? of tomorrow spoil that! Wishing loads of fun, joy and new discoveries in Aussieland:-)