Monday 28 May 2007

Wild life in the Rainforest

I finally made it to the rain forest, where it really does rain alot, especially in the early hours of the morning. Am living in a tent, and totally loving it! I have a mattress, sheets, and a light. What more could I ask for. There is nothing better than being inside when it pours down with rain. Or waking up in a hot hot tent, opening a window and feeling the cool air flow in and brush over you. Feel like I have finally found a home...yes it is a tent, despite the many criticisms and disagreeing looks I get, that a tent could never be home....but home it is, for a few days, when I return to backpackers sharing room delight!
Went to a natural national park today with Kangaroos, Koalas, Crocodiles and many many birds. Got to hold a Koala, slightly smelly, and heavy but so cute, felt like taking him home. Fed a few Kangaroos and their babes. Some were bigger than me! Really like the Curwley bird? Not sure about spelling. They stay together with their chick, until they have another chick and then.....they push the older one away, and he has to fend for himself. So yes have learnt a few interesting facts about birds. The Kookaburra was the first bird to learn how to eat a King Cane Toad and not be poisoned.....the facts are endless. Had some breakfast with parrots, magpie geese, and a variety of other birds, very entertaining. They sat on my shoulders, tried to nibble my food, and one even had some champagne. Obviously I still drank from the same cup, as not to waste...Named one Gus, short for Guts, as he attack any food or item he could. He even managed to take a pearl earring from someones ear! As I walked around, birds flew just a few centimeters above my head, and one seemed intent on aiming towards it. A saying of my dads floated into my head, being...."I think your bird needs some water" Where he would lick his finger and touch my forehead, symbolising my brain. This saying would usually come when I had a crazy idea, or just a very silly one. I thought how much my dad would love to be here, to decide which coloured bird was the perfect resemblance of my brain!
Today has really been one of my favourite days in Australia, the wildlife is amazing, I loved playing with the baby joeys and wallabies, watching them slowly creep onto my lap, positioning them self for a bit of food! The birds are just out of this world....Huge, colourful, and squawker loud. I am beginning to fear I might turn into a bird watcher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ssstrrewwth mate!!