Wednesday 13 June 2007

Shopping in Singapore

Two big whims....

1. How am I supposed to save money when there are so many things to buy, buy, buy


2. How am I meant to lose lots of weight before returning home when the food is so good and so cheap!

Despite the two above mentioned complaints, I love it here. There is so much to do, see, and experience. Best of all I just get to barter till my heart is content, without much effort at all. Everything just tastes so nice, and I keep reminding myself that for now I should consider it a privilege as I am sure my diet back in London will consist of ....oats, popcorn and noodles! From Morrison's, or other similar priced supermarket.
I didn't expect to enjoy it as much here, and now am craving to find out more about it all. The buildings are just amazing...and did you know from east to west it is only 42km (about) crazy hey. Shopping malls everywhere, huge, wide, high shopping malls, with gardens, little rivers to cool off in and lots of shops, obviously. Everything is so clean and tidy and all precise. Have learnt alot about feng shui, and have realised why my life is such a disaster at times! Learnt about corners, structure, and always have two flowers in a vase....never one! And, for all the boys out there.....always close the toilet lid!
Have also managed to walk clockwise round worlds biggest fountain three times, clockwise...for all my wishes to come true!

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