Friday 13 April 2007

Machu Picchu

Despite all the falls, bruises, cuts and sore aches, being above the clouds is the most amazing experience ever! I got the early early bus up to Machu Picchu, while it was still dark, along with many others, that seemed very fit to walk! Felt like all giving them a slight talking to! At first the clouds seemed to hover above and I did think there would not be a sunrise at all to brag about. Slowly the clouds seemed to float downwards as the sun took over and gained its rightful place. Standing on one of the highest points, I watched the blocks of clouds turn into strings of light smoke that spiraled around the mountain and seemed to enter homes that used to be. The mountains brightened from dark to lush colours of green and cast their giant shadows on the other side. It really was the most beautiful thing to see. The clouds seemed to lower, and the city literally looked like it was floating on the clouds, suspended in a circle of majestic mountains. I walked (hobbled) for about four hours, around all the homes, storage places, fountains, and bathrooms. Each part felt so abanoned yet occupied. Going early in the morning did mean hardly any tourists, so often you are in places on your own. Found a llama sleeping in a house, lifting his neck, to see who had intruded, and then back to sleep. It was so peaceful that I found myself watching the llama for far too long. I really did not think I would be impressed after all the advents that have happened, yet once again, I was totally amazed, and intrigued over the life of the Incas. How on earth did they build such an amazing place so high up, with hardly any fancy tools. We debate over putting a nail in a wall in case wall falls down. (would have pics, but camera is still in rapids....somewhere)
Decided to take bus down, felt like a real failure for not being able to walk anymore, as bus was full of old people who seemed to think the same.....why is she not walking down! Went to the hot springs and paddled my feet in the water, not brave enough to go in and bear bruises to the world. I can´t believe I am here, I feel far away from normality yet very close to it. Not sure what that means yet.


Anonymous said...

Just got back from Maldives, most serious injuries are some itchy sores left by a stinging hydra that I brushed past with my thigh. Won't be complaining anymore. Really sprry about your camera - you'll definitely be looking forward to your pressie waiting for you in Melbourne now!
Please take care!!!

The Myalls said...


I'm so glad you have made it to Machu Picchu despite all the events. Well done. It doesn't matter that you didn't walk it - you were brave to still go.

Love you

Anonymous said...

Cons, pleased to hear your back from the jungle again. Hope your knee is shaping up again now, and you managed to avoid the snakes and crocodiles...

Julie B said...

I wish I was there travelling with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds amazing. Cant wait to hear about all your stories.

have fun JULIE xxxxx