Friday 27 April 2007

hating maybe....

Have been here for almost a week, and in that time, have met up with Richard who works for Bruce Peru, but obviously it is called Bruce Chile. Helped him work in a High Shool doing a drama workshop, and practising Greece, very entertaining. Went to a community centre for a meeting, and the rest of the week wondered in musuems and sky lifts. Am beginning to become accustombed to the city life, and the nutters that come along with it. We went for a drink in Bebiste on Tuesday evening, and after watching a group of boys tease an old druken man, who then decided to return with a skinny two metre long bamboo stick.....Boys had a field day, threw him on the ground and then starting kicking his head in. All right next to us. For those who know me well, will know that I can´t cope with up and in the sweetest spanish I could manage without losing my cool, asked them to stop, by basically putting myself in the middle of it all. Richard, I think, thought I was an absolute nutter, but I would rather be the one losing my life than watch someone else lose his. So we waited for an ambulance, and then legged it before we were the next target of head kicking.
All happens here, not as carefree as good old Peru.

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