Friday 27 April 2007


Well I though s for Santiago, will mean S for simple. But things never are in conny moments! Arrived at midnight, got a transvip, small van that takes a few people to their hostals, hotels or homes. All seemed so easy! Got to my hostal and it was shut, no one was opening any now it is after one. Did think about sleeping at the airport, got back into the van, and driver drops off everyone else. Have now decided sleeping at the airport would be a good idea.....and waiting for the next morning. Driver, however thought otherwise. He was very concerned that I was not concerned about not having a place, and kept telling me I was far too calm. By now it was after two.....who has the energy to stress. Anyway, very sweet man that he was, continued to drive around, stopping at three hostals....each one was full. Why will nobody share their bed with me! The airport was definitely becoming a better option. Why did I think it would be any easier than this. Got to the last hostal......and yes a bed free in a mixed dorm. So I had to share with five very smelly boys....did hope there would be one girl....but no. Five smelly boys. Hostal ended up being great, hot hot tea and coffee whenever, massive sofas and big t.v with movies all day, books, music, kitchen.....and great great people.
Was so wired up from the whole evening, had a boiling hot steaming shower, a cup of tea, and checked my mail....oh yes free internet..... Got to my bunk, and surprisingly passed out, till sunlight streamed into our room the next morning.

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