Thursday 22 March 2007

In Spanish!

Trying to sort out where to go and when is proving to be the hardest thing ever! And with my awful sense of direction and time scale it just is not worth thinking about. Some of you might find this kind of stress difficult to understand, but others who have had me lost and crying won´t! I keep picking up that guide book...but it all is far to much information. I did however manage to phone a bus company and ask for all the details in Spanish. The most amazing thing was....I understood most of it! Feel slight achievement of the spanish language! Hopefully I will be crossing a border of some sort, and hopefully I will get there before my visa runs out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connycons, it will all work out in the end - it always does - and it will be all the more better for not have being planned in detail. Spontaneous is always best!