Tuesday 27 March 2007

Days in Huaraz

I brought the sunshine with me! Have decided that when I wake up, so does the sun. Am very proud of my obvious gifting, which only lasts till lunch time and then it buckets down! Yesterday, Sharon and I spent the day packing, moving and sorting. The centre here is closing down, and everything had to be moved back to Trujillo. I am still amazed at how quick it went. Get up in the morning, call big moving truck, chuck things in boxes. Truck arrives, takes down beds, writes numbers on all objects and then leaves! All in a days notice!
Have been walking up a mountain, not so big this time, not sure I am able or brave enough. The later being far more relevant! This place is great though, for anyone who loves hiking, camping, trekking, rock climbing, ice climbing, snow boarding, rafting, horse riding....and the list goes on. Tomorrow we are going horse riding in this amazing, green, lush place called Maraca. Then in the evening we leave for Bolivia, two days on a bus...but a very nice one. Am getting earplugs to avoid any snores and screams.

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