Wednesday 28 March 2007

Practical Thinking

Am exhausted. Slept in the centre alone last night, (Sharon was sleeping out) and after a very late night was awoken by massive rattling from the kitchen. Someone was trying to get in, and I did think that my last living moment would be amoungst a pile of unwanted clothes! After much rattling, I heard movement towards my window and saw a shadow peering through, decided to lie very still and not make a sound. Did wish I had a knife under my pillow, but all knives had been sold the day before. Thought about reaching for my hairdressing scissors....but my clothes were all over the place, and the last thing I would be able to find in a stuffed backpack would be scissors. Have now placed scissors at the top of my backpack for quick stabbing if needed. Anyway, after about an hour of someone pacing backwards and forwards from the door to the window, they left. By then it was already 2:30am and there was no way I was going back to sleep. No way! I remember telling God that this was not the place for me to go and that no one would know, or even realise I was missing, but then thought about it and decided if it was meant to be then it was! Felt like coming straight home, but then realised I have no home, and it is too cold for a tent. So decided to get up, and brave the world. Leave on a bus for Lima tonight, and then many more to get to Bolivia. Am quite glad to be surrounded by many people, even if they do snore!


Anonymous said...

Arrrrgh! I've not seen your blog for the past week and suddenly it all got rather dramatic. Glad you're okay though. Try to avoid psychopaths.

Matt x

Anonymous said...

Just when I think it's safe for you and you are havng a wonderful time despite or because of the places you visit and then this!! Yikes, that must have been awfully scary and hat's off to you that the strength came back so quickly and the humour too:-))
Keep it up wonder woman...but without the prowlers please!!
Much love
Rose X X