Saturday 17 March 2007

Swarming through

Went looking for children yesterday in the community where my school is. Nuevo Jerusalem, which is mainly sand dunes, and more sand dunes, with lots of dogs, fleas and other insects I don´t want to know about! We got to one house, and had to walk through a swarm of flies. Now I really don´t mean a little swarm, I mean thousands and thousands, and there was no other way but through it. Similar to the bear hunt story...we can´t go over it, we can´t go under it....oh no, we have to go through it! It definitely could have been a reality TV show moment of fear factors. The worse part was the horrible sound they made. ugh! just horrible. BUT I closed my mouth and my eyes, well kind of as I still had to see where I was going, and stopped breathing for a minute. Yes, I went through it. When there is no choice you just do it don´t you! Can feel another saying coming on. This must be the month of sayings.


Anonymous said...

I would have freaked about the flies but then gone through too Very very interesting and I really loved your next one It made me feel as though I was there with you thank-you for contiuning to share with us I really enjoyreading these From Sue Howard Bob's mom

Anonymous said...

You go Conny obviously fear is not a factor for you!!!!! I dont think I could have done it, but hey I'm not you, you are an amazing person. Love you Cons and cant wait to see you down here in NZ. Going to be a bit boring after all your adventures!! Take care xx

Anonymous said...

yuk yuk yuk yuk! will have to tell the kids that one... they'll love it... one of the mums came in to the year 4 teacher yesterday... and randomly in conversation pulled out of her bag a dried out squashed frog... and offered it to her for the class... nice! she took it, in the interests of education of course and has promised to pass it on to me for all my boys... lovely... they are going to go crazy! love ali x
ps... hardly difficult this blogging thing is it?? check out mine missy... it will swing into action i hope when i get back to mexico... x

Lisa Sanders said...

Oh my goodness, I sooo get it. We've had fly problems for ages and a while back I came home whilst heavily pregnant, and had to kill about 38 of them on my landing ! I cried!! Not that its as bad as walking through a swarm of 'em but I've had a taster! xxxx