Wednesday 31 January 2007

Paint on Mondays!

I hate Mondays, and anyone who knows me really well, will know the dread I feel. I have discovered that Mondays feel the same wherever you are. To make sure Monday would be a better day, of not being able to explain what I want to explain, or understand what I want to understand, I would make paint. Yes I made my own paint! It was so easy, and really cool. Had everyone painting pictures before I had finished making it. Not sure if these kiddies have any idea to what paint really is.... Monday morning we did the usual writing, counting, number games for about an hour and then I took out three bottles of coloured stuff. They all stared thinking I had brought them flavoured milk, and obviously were very eager to drink it. We spoke about the sea, the animals and all that classroom talk, and then I explained we were going to paint... Still had a look of vagueness. Poured my mixture into three separate bowls, and the look of confusion spread on their faces. (What is she doing, we don´t drink from bowls) Put my hands in and painted a few waves. Similar to the picture in my old bathroom, for those who have seen it. Their faces slowly lit up in the most amazing way, I just wanted to jump up and down, get them to take their shoes off and stand in the paint. Yet I somehow managed to maintain all that and spoke about using our fingers instead! They absolutely loved it, really loved it. Obviously two tried to taste it, and realised it was definitely not for drinking. Took some pictures, must attach them soon.So Monday ended up being a great day, which was a nice surprise, because I really do hate Mondays!


Anonymous said...

That sounds lovely....wouldn't it be nice if all kids were still excited about 'paint'. Wish I could have seen the look on their faces...well done conny are amazing!

conny said...

Oh I still think this is my most favourite post. Everytime I read it, I remember that exact moment. Gosh miss them far too much