Wednesday 21 May 2014

Applaud myself

SO.... who would have thought I would start a sentence with 'so'.  Becoming very North American... find that all hysterical, for absolutely no reason!

SO,... I am reading this book by Victoria Osteen, (Joel Osteen's wife).  To be honest I read it about five years ago, and have been meaning to reread it over the last year.  Finally I am there.  I have only managed the first few chapters, yet they seem to be timely in encouragement and need to share.

In her first chapter she mentions learning to applaud yourself.  Why did I not think of that one.  In the world of children, parenting, groceries, meals and that ongoing list of things I need to do... there seem to be many moments where that huge, gigantic feeling of being overwhelmed, feeling insecure, and losing it seems to take over.  That's when you APPLAUD YOURSELF

APPLAUD YOURSELF in the little things that you have managed; brushed my teeth, yippee do da, I brushed my teeth, I am amazing, I actually managed to brush my teeth. For some with young children, we can relate to the  DID I or didn't I?  Finding small achievements.  Writing the more memorable things down,  reminding ourselves that we can do it this time.  

Over the last year, I remember a few big things; running a ten km race, driving ten hours with two small children by MYSELF, flying 30 hours with two small children on my own.  Yes I can do the big huge things.  The little things from this week; inviting someone for dinner last minute, even though the food wasn't the best, making time to call someone, writing a letter to a dear friend, reading a story to my children as they smiled and joined in, managing to brush their teeth with no tears! What an achievement! I am AWESOME (so Canadian..)

Too often I huddle over all the things I haven't managed.  Today I didn't manage to vacuum, or clean the bathtub, or pay the bill that is waiting... or do any ironing,  clean out the car or put the toys away. (I guess I could be doing all that if I wasn't doing this..)  BUT the irony is, as soon as I think of all the great little achievements it seems to motivate me for the others that are still waiting.  

Yes I can, I can do this, that overwhelmed feeling is becoming slightly crushed by applauding myself with new accomplishments, appreciation that it has been a good day, and new memories that I wouldn't trade for the world. 

So here is to a new week of applauding, valuing and recognising what has been done.  Noticing the people of the world and having eyes to see the butterfly effect.  With that I take a bow, a curtsy and listen to the applause!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Love it!!! You are such a great writer!! i wanted to keep reading! Keep drawing near to HIM and it will all flow beautifully and with deep meaning!! love you!