Wednesday 31 January 2007

Paint on Mondays!

I hate Mondays, and anyone who knows me really well, will know the dread I feel. I have discovered that Mondays feel the same wherever you are. To make sure Monday would be a better day, of not being able to explain what I want to explain, or understand what I want to understand, I would make paint. Yes I made my own paint! It was so easy, and really cool. Had everyone painting pictures before I had finished making it. Not sure if these kiddies have any idea to what paint really is.... Monday morning we did the usual writing, counting, number games for about an hour and then I took out three bottles of coloured stuff. They all stared thinking I had brought them flavoured milk, and obviously were very eager to drink it. We spoke about the sea, the animals and all that classroom talk, and then I explained we were going to paint... Still had a look of vagueness. Poured my mixture into three separate bowls, and the look of confusion spread on their faces. (What is she doing, we don´t drink from bowls) Put my hands in and painted a few waves. Similar to the picture in my old bathroom, for those who have seen it. Their faces slowly lit up in the most amazing way, I just wanted to jump up and down, get them to take their shoes off and stand in the paint. Yet I somehow managed to maintain all that and spoke about using our fingers instead! They absolutely loved it, really loved it. Obviously two tried to taste it, and realised it was definitely not for drinking. Took some pictures, must attach them soon.So Monday ended up being a great day, which was a nice surprise, because I really do hate Mondays!

Saturday 27 January 2007

Three Weeks In

Three weeks, amazing, it feels like two days, yet a lifetime! Really enjoy it here now, even though the noise of taxi´s do get to me now and again, they are everywhere. I am totally in love with my odd little held together bus, who now plays a Spanish version of magic FM, with good golden oldies on. This week we got a flat tyre on the way, so wobbled along to the nearest house, where everyone had to stay on the bus, while it got hitched up, and tyre changed....yes odd, but true. Then on Thursday, which is market restock day, a lady got on the bus with eight boxes full of stuff. (Her boxes were the same size as a medium storage box) All I could think of were my seven little boxes stuck in the loft, and wondered whether a London bus would let me put them on...well I think we all know the answer to that one!

School is now going well, children are behaving and working very hard. I went to a new school, just for the day, yesterday, and they were totally out of control. The teacher could speak a lot of English, so we went through some ideas, as the word has gotten round, that the little hut school is streaks ahead. So that´s good hey! Made some play dough this week and the kids absolutely loved it! It was also a slight bribe to get them to finish their work. I would say a very broken spanish phrase, and when they finally click to what I am trying to say, will repeat it rapidly back to me with a si? at the end. The only prob is I keep saying si si, but what I am actually saying is "si, see".... So the South African "see" is definitely going to be carved in stone when I get back! Still have slight bouts of missing all, but have gotten over that now, not that I don´t think of you....but... I am having fun.

Was in town last night, and desperately needed a, any toilet of any shape or form. When a follower of blond girls appeared. Spoke good English and finally showed me a toilet in a gym...which meant I was now in debt to his kindness....which means, just to be spoken at in English and wait for the ...."I would like to see you again line...I think you a very nice person" He then bought me an ice cream, and it just made me giggle, when last has someone bought me a simple ice cream on the spur of the moment, and walked down the middle of town...Felt like I had gone back into my teenage years at the beach with soft serve ice cream. Gave him the usual story that I am getting married soon and the rest I am sure Ali you would know, so we said good bye under the lamp of the plaza and went our separate ways.... Yes it could all become a novel! (Am not really getting married soon, only way to make sure they don´t do the chat up thing) Don´t worry it is really safe here, and ice-cream moments are good!
There is a massive festival tonight, mainly dancing and everyone wears white, looking forward to it. This place always has something going on in the square! Till at least 2am in the morning if not longer.

Also finally have a camera again, second hand.,....with no battery or lead, so we all know how second hand. But good price, and managed to barter the guy down.
Also have started a blog, but need to make it look nice before sending it out. All these things do keep me rather busy, and tend to sometimes take an hour from my afternoon nap.It has become so hot over the last two weeks, and the humidity is massively high.
I have also been given the coordinator role over here, not sure about that one yet..was hoping to not be responsible for anything. Oh well, did try to get out of it.Thank you to those who have emailed back, I have enjoyed reading about life back home.
Oh yes, we also had two massive tremors this morning at six, the beds shook like mad....mad hey